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love life 〔口語〕(一生中的)戀愛經歷。

love match

Love life , the gift of god 熱愛生命珍惜天恩

You sure love life , doc 你很熱愛生活啊,醫生

For years my love life continued to be one long tragicomic novel 多年來,我的愛情就像一本長長的悲喜交集的小說。

To affect my love life . . .開始影響我的感情生活

O : though the lovers die young , their love lives till eternity 這對戀人雖然死的早,可是他們的愛情得到了永生。

How ' s your love life these days 最近生活怎么樣?

I still have lots of dreams , but they ' re not in regard to my love life 我仍舊有很多夢,但與我的感情生活無關

Though the lovers die young , their love lives till eternity 這對戀人雖然死的早,可是他們的愛情得到了永生。

Love is the reward of love love lives in cottage as well as in courts 愛就是愛的報酬。愛情不分貧賤與高貴。

While learning chinese , students will experience and love life 學生在學習語文的過程中體驗生活、熱愛生活。

To love life is to love god 熱愛生命就是熱愛上帝。 ”

Her love life consists of heartbreaking failures with men 她低調生活著,一段過去就閉鎖在獨居的房子里。

Other people “ s love lives when my own is such a mess 集中幫其他人安排愛情生活因為我自己都還是一團亂麻

Other people “ s love lives when my own is such a mess 集中幫其他人安排愛情生活因為我自己都還是一團亂麻

They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life 關于他的愛情生活,他們散播了許多不堪的閑言閑語。

Death is inevitable , which is why we should value and love life 人必有一死,所以我們要珍惜和熱愛生命。

Lee is really nosy . he ' s always asking about everybody ' s love life 李很八卦,總是打聽別人的感情生活。

I have found that if you love life , life will love you back 我發現,如果你熱愛生活,生活就會回報你。

Nobody loves life like an old man 沒人想像老人一樣活著。